The trouble with writing is…

The trouble with writing is….the trouble with writing is….the trouble with writing a blog is, what do you write about? Especially as a post-thesis blogger? As a former PhD student, I can tell you that those 220,000+ words did not just fire themselves down on to the page! Nor were they dragged out either. The writing tended to flow, like a river. 
However the real problem with this issue is the fact that writing is a difficult process. I’m ashamed to say that it has taken me months tow write just this much in a cohesive fashion. To have it make sense enough to be put to paper! And even still this entry will probably not suit most of my followers, who were probably expecting something which would bear a close r association to military affairs!
So what could I have/should I have written about instead? The psychological fallout from the Falklands/Northern Ireland is always a popular, though contentious topic. The use of IEDs as a psychological weapon during the Iraq/Afghan wars is a topical issue. As is the use of violence by state sponsored security forces during the nineteenth-twentieth centuries. All of these are perfectly valid topics and probably will be covered in due course. 
However they won’t be elaborated upon here, because this post is mostly about failure! This is my failure to put pen to paper! But no more! The thing about writing a doctoral thesis, is that the stress which the process imposes on you (late nights, not a lot of sleep, constant revisions), means that once the work was completed, all interest in writing had ebbed and a break was needed! 
Still the break has passed and now at least I feel comfortable enough to be able to start writing again and confident enough to be able to engage in some solid research and present interesting snippets to you, my loyal and long-suffering readers! Thanks so much for reading my first blog in over a year! E Pluribus Unum – One of  Many.

About eamonntgardiner

Dr. Eamonn T. Gardiner, is a Consulting Historian. He has previously conducted research into links between wartime traumatic-neurosis and evidence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) amongst veterans of the First World War serving as Auxiliary Policemen, during the Anglo-Irish War 1919-1921. He has written extensively on British central and colonial administrative responses to popular insurgencies. In 2009 he published 'Counterinsurgency and Conflict: Dublin Castle and the Anglo-Irish War (CSP, 2009).' Published papers include; 'The training of the Irish Volunteers, 1913-1916' (The Irish Sword, 2017); 'Scattered, Ambushed and Laid Out: War and Counterinsurgency in the greater Tuam area, 1919-1921' (JOTS, 2015). Research interests include De-Colonialisation/Post-Colonialism; Insurgency, Police/Military Histories; Institutional Histories; Modern Irish/World History; History of Conflict, Protectorates and Peace-Keeping; Hegemony; Old and New Terrorism.
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